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Luncheon - Phil Bedient - Hurricane Harvey: The Impacts and the Aftermath

  • 17 May 2018
  • 12:00 PM - 1:15 PM
  • 9950 Memorial Drive


Registration is closed
Kiwanis Club of Houston
May 17, 2018

Speaker: Phil Bedient
Topic: Hurricane Harvey: The Impacts and the Aftermath

Dr. Philip B. Bedient is the Herman Brown Professor of Engineering in Civil and Environmental Engineering at Rice University. He teaches and performs research in surface water hydrology and flood prediction systems, and radar based flood alert. He has directed 60 research projects over the past 35 years, has written over 180 articles in journals and conference proceedings. He has worked on hydrologic problems including major floodplain studies, water quality assessments, and hydrologic modeling for a number of watersheds in Texas, Florida, and Louisiana. He has been actively involved in the area of hydrologic analysis for flood prediction and warning, and has developed a real-time flood alert system for the Texas Medical Center, based on the use of NEXRAD radar data. Dr. Bedient directs the SSPEED Center at Rice for Severe Storm Prediction, consisting of several universities in the Gulf Coast area, which has funding to address the impacts of Hurricane Ike in the Houston area. Both storm surge prediction, inland flooding, and long-term mitigation strategies are being studied with funding from the Houston Endowment. Dr. Bedient also is evaluating low impact development schemes with funding from the City of Houston.


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