Kiwanis Club of Houston
May 16 Luncheon
This luncheon will be at Brennan's !!
W. Dwayne Jones, Ph.D.
Chief Executive Officer
Dwayne became CEO of Galveston Historical Foundation in 2007, following his role as Executive Director of Preservation Dallas. He holds degrees in history and Asian Studies and a master’s degree in urban and regional planning from George Washington University. Dwayne is a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners and writes and publishes on Texas and architectural history. In 2020, he completed requirements for a doctorate in medical humanities (medical history) at UTMB. He is active in many state and national preservation organizations and local organizations. In his spare time, Dwayne focuses on his rural properties, his dogs, and travel across the US.
Brett Harrington
Chief of Advancement and Planned Giving
Brett joined Galveston Historical Foundation in 2014, following his fund-raising role with the University of Texas Medical Branch. He joined the not-for-profit world following a 20-year career in the financial services industry, concluding as Vice President, Chief Securities Marketing Officer for the investing arm of American National Insurance. AT GHF, Brett is responsible for raising current and planned gifts, and leading GHF’s membership area. In his spare time, he focuses on fitness, giving tennis lessons, and traveling to professional tennis tournaments.